Saturday, July 17, 2010


KANVAS FOR ME IS NOT JUST A BRAND ITS IS WHAT I BELIEVE IN. KANVAS is derived from the word canvas which is derived from the 13th century Anglo-French canevaz and the Old-French canevas. AND I PROUDLY ADD THE CONSONANT ‘K’ WHICH REPRESENTS MY NAME.

KANVAS MEANS A LOT TO ME…..Once a DREAM and today REALITY. It depicts freedom of style and freedom of fashion. It expresses who you are, and what you want to be.

At KANVAS we make everything for our customers, on their demands. Something, some tags, some cheesy tag lines and bubbles of pictures we paint and print only at KANVAS……

1 comment:

  1. i just luvd it...
    good going..!!
    wish u ol the best fuh ur future..
    awesome work..!!
