Wednesday, December 12, 2012

You’ll never really know, wen u’ll accidently grow up!!!

I tweet, I blog but sometimes I just Keep Calm!!!
Tragedy, the things that I’ve been doing all this while was so much learning n growing and I actually thought I was wasting time. And people accidently tend to like your stuff and u grow in terms of knowledge and wealth of course and people around you admire you and know you. #wow the feeling.
From now blogging will be my routine, or may be once a week or a month maybe. [I'm bad at routine stuffs]
P.S. Mom, I need a better and faster gadget plz!!!
Anyways you’ll know what I learned today:
Couture Fashion
The business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, custom-made clothing is called Couture. [i really didn't know this]
I’m basically numb when it comes to fashion terms and remembering names and people.
It’s more about finishing, neatness, brain storming and usually hand sewn detailing, finishes is what makes a garment couture, etc.   
It’s so much beauty, uniformity and the level of art that it shows is marvelous.
An attempt to fashion blogging [not my forte]

Crazy Draping and Creativity done when I was young. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Culture 2012 | Biggest BBoying Jam and Hip-hop Festival

One kind of experience, I've been to concerts, fashion weeks and talent shows but this was one hell of a scene. On 2nd Dec, 2012 I actually saw the craze and the revolution of the international dance form, BBoying and Hip-Hip in person. It was a slow start but it was amusing as time passed. Kids, Girls, Guys, no age bar, no race, no religion what then only understood was flip, flare, twist, head turns, popping, breaking…LOL
This wasn't all what I noticed, their obsession for accessories from Head Spin Beanies to lanyards, rings to scarves it was all so colorful. Those over-sized outfits, the crazy attitude, the fierce battle and then the handshakes and the hugs. The love for what they do and the crave of being the best. The best part of this whole fest was to meet BBOY PHYSICX, wasn't a big fan of him until he really got up from his seat and proved his Legendary Skills, Heads Down. Totally loved it.