Wednesday, December 12, 2012

You’ll never really know, wen u’ll accidently grow up!!!

I tweet, I blog but sometimes I just Keep Calm!!!
Tragedy, the things that I’ve been doing all this while was so much learning n growing and I actually thought I was wasting time. And people accidently tend to like your stuff and u grow in terms of knowledge and wealth of course and people around you admire you and know you. #wow the feeling.
From now blogging will be my routine, or may be once a week or a month maybe. [I'm bad at routine stuffs]
P.S. Mom, I need a better and faster gadget plz!!!
Anyways you’ll know what I learned today:
Couture Fashion
The business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, custom-made clothing is called Couture. [i really didn't know this]
I’m basically numb when it comes to fashion terms and remembering names and people.
It’s more about finishing, neatness, brain storming and usually hand sewn detailing, finishes is what makes a garment couture, etc.   
It’s so much beauty, uniformity and the level of art that it shows is marvelous.
An attempt to fashion blogging [not my forte]

Crazy Draping and Creativity done when I was young. 

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